Amplify Your Pool Care Routine with Pool Juice

Amplify Your Pool Care Routine with Pool Juice

Taking care of a swimming pool means learning a lot about chemistry, water balancing, and how to keep the water clean and clear. It may feel like a lot of work, but it’s well worth it for the enjoyment you get from your pool. If you currently use the BioGuard 3-step pool care program, we’ve got good news. You can improve your care routine using BioGuard’s Pool Juice.

So how does Pool Juice help amplify your current pool care routine? Let’s take a look.

Phosphate in Your Pool Water

Phosphates are a constant problem in swimming pools. They occur naturally whenever there are organic materials in your pool, such as leaves, fertilizer, and other sources, including excess rain. 

Phosphates feed algae in your pool, which can lead to green and cloudy water. Not only is this water unattractive to swim in, but it can also affect your health. High phosphate levels use up chlorine quickly as well, meaning you’ll need to add more chemicals to keep your pool sanitary.

Avoiding phosphates is the first step. Make sure your yard is graded away from your pool so you can avoid water and ground runoff as much as possible, and consider a pool cover to keep leaves and animals out when you’re not swimming. 

However, sometimes you’ll have phosphate get too high — and that’s when Pool Juice can help.

Using Pool Juice From BioGuard

There are several different Pool Juice products, and each can help you get your pool back to normal in a different way. Pool Juice Zero acts to quickly lower phosphate levels so that they get back within an acceptable range within 24 hours. That means you can get back to using a clean and clear pool more quickly!

Pool Juice Phosphate Remover will help you keep phosphate levels low over time. This product also contains enzymes that will keep your water clearer and pool surfaces cleaner.

Finally, if your pool is stressed for another reason — perhaps there was a major rainstorm, or you had an all-day pool party with a lot of people — Pool Juice 911 can come to the rescue. You can also use this product from time to time to prevent your pool from getting cloudy.

Amplify Your Pool Care With Pool Juice

With your routine pool care already in place, it’s important to consider products that can amplify its effectiveness. While Pool Juice doesn’t replace your existing routine, it definitely enhances it. When you have an easy way to treat phosphates, keep them from clouding the pool, and shock the pool after major events, you can do far better in keeping your pool clean and clear.

Let the pool care experts at Sweetwater Pool & Spa Center help you keep pool ownership easy and worry-free. As a certified BioGuard dealer, we take pride in offering the best products that will protect your investment. Stop by our Catonsville pool supply store today to talk with our pool care specialists and learn more about BioGuard Pool Juice and the simple 3-step pool care system designed to keep your pool swim-ready at all times. 

About the Company 

For over 40 years, Sweetwater Pool and Spa Center has been serving the Catonsville area for all its swimming pool and spa and hot tub needs. As a BioGuard Platinum Dealer, Sweetwater Pool and Spa Center offers FREE water testing and expert advice for the easiest water care possible. Sweetwater Pool and Spa Center in Catonsville also carries SpaGuard, Mineral Springs, Saltscapes, and more, including spa accessories from InSPArations.  

In addition to the best hot tub and pool chemicals, Sweetwater Pool and Spa Center also carries energy-efficient pool equipment from Pentair, including money-saving variable speed pumps. They also carry Polaris automatic pool cleaners and LOOP-LOC pool covers, as well as swimming pool heaters from AquaCal Heat Pumps and equipment for above ground pools. 

For the best hot tubs in the Catonsville area, Sweetwater Pool and Spa Center carries PDC Spas. These incredible hot tubs have been proudly made in the USA for over 60 years. Contact Sweetwater Pool and Spa Center today for all of your swimming pool and hot tub needs. 

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